Doctoral Degrees

Getting Started

Pursuing a doctoral degree is a big commitment. Applying to a doctoral program is, thus, extensive and a long process. We have helped many students apply to doctoral programs.

The biggest piece of advice we can give you if you want to obtain your Ph.D.: do research on potential advisors! Get to really know the school, the program, the staff, and their research.

Ph.D. vs. others

The most well known doctoral degree is the Ph.D (Doctorate in Philosophy). This is a research-intensive degree. Others include but are not limited to: Ed.D., Psy.D., D.B.A., and D.N.P.

How long does it take?

Doctoral degrees can take anywhere from 4-8 years. They typically culminate in an extensive research project and a dissertation. Obtaining a doctorate is a major commitment – time-wise and financially.

Don’t I need a Master’s First?

Not necessarily. Most doctoral programs accept students who are coming in with their bachelor’s degree. In these programs, you may earn your Master’s “on-the-way”.


We help you along the application process. Whether it’s brainstorming how to write a standout essay or staying on top of deadlines and submissions, we do it all.

  • Submitting the application
  • Keeping track of your deadlines
  • Charts and resources tailored to your school list
  • Staying on top of letters of recommendation


At Lizard, we listen to our student’s stories and work with you to consider possible topics. We help you devise a plan to write the essay, provide samples to review, and guide you through the entire process.

Course Selection

Depending on what type of doctorate degree you’re pursuing, there are likely certain prerequisite courses you must take as an undergraduate to even be eligible.

We help you research what courses you should take to maximize your chances of success.

Interview Prep & Resumes

All doctoral programs require an interview so that admissions can get to know you and your ambitions. We help you prepare by doing the following:

  • Research the school
  • Brainstorm talking points
  • Tips on attire and body language
  • Practice with us in the office or virtually
  • Create a modern, impactful resume

Standardized tests

Depending on which type of degree you are pursuing, you have to take a standardized test. We help you stay on top of program requirements and advise you on how to prepare and when to take your test.

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)