Master’s Degrees

Getting Started

There are numerous types of Master’s degrees available: M.A., M.S., M.B.A., M.Ed., M.Arch., M.L.A., and many others. We help students choose the best fit for their career goals.

Some jobs require a Master’s degree while others accept anyone with a bachelor’s. At Lizard, we support you along your path and strive to make the graduate application process as easy as possible.

M.A. vs. M.S.

The two most common types of master’s degrees are the Masters of Arts (M.A.) and the Masters of Science (M.S.). The M.S. degree typically has more of a research-based component.


Depending on the type of program you’re applying to, you may need to take a certain standardized test. The GRE is the most widely-taken graduate test while the GMAT is more often for M.B.A. applicants.

Combined Degrees

An example of a combined degree is an M.A./PhD or a M.B.A./M.D. There are special program opportunities nationwide. We are aware of the current offerings and can advise you on the best path for you.


We help you along the application process. Whether it’s brainstorming how to write a standout essay or staying on top of deadlines and submissions, we do it all.

  • Submitting the application
  • Keeping track of your deadlines
  • Charts and resources tailored to your school list
  • Staying on top of letters of recommendation


At Lizard, we listen to our student’s stories and work with you to consider possible topics. We help you devise a plan to write the essay, provide samples to review, and guide you through the entire process.

Course Selection

Depending on what type of master’s you’re pursuing, there are likely certain prerequisite courses you must take as an undergraduate to even be eligible.

We help you research what courses you should take to maximize your chances of success.

Interview Prep & Resumes

Some master’s degree programs require an interview so that admissions can get to know you and your ambitions. We help you prepare by doing the following:

  • Research the school
  • Brainstorm talking points
  • Tips on attire and body language
  • Practice with us in the office or virtually
  • Create a modern, impactful resume

Standardized tests

Depending on which type of degree you are pursuing, you likely have to take a standardized test. However, not all master’s programs require one. We help you stay on top of program requirements and advise you on how to prepare and when to take your test.

  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)